Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Prenatal Care as an Older Surrogate

Women who choose to become surrogates often wait until they are finished having their own babies before choosing to become a surrogate. This often means that surrogates begin their journey in the later years of child-bearing age. Most medical standards consider pregnancy in woman after the age of 35 to be an “older pregnancy.” Despite that opinion, many women in their 30s and 40s give birth to happy, healthy babies. Older pregnancies are […]

If surrogacy isn’t a good fit for you… now what?

If you feel that surrogacy isn’t a good fit for you or your family, perhaps you could consider helping a family grow through egg donation.  The thought of giving the gift of a baby to others who are struggling is appealing to many women but some are unable, or uncomfortable with being a surrogate.  Many women don’t realize that there are other options.  Being an egg donor […]

What Are Some Risks of Being a Gestational Surrogate?

Those considering a surrogacy journey have a few things to consider. Although the journey has many rewards, it also comes with a few potential risks. Understanding the risks involved can help one be prepared if they do appear. The Surrogates Agency, Intended Parents and Surrogate should all have a plan on how to handle situations, should they arise. The […]

Surrogate Requirements

The requirements to be a surrogate vary from agency to agency. Being a surrogate means you are giving the gift of life to intended parents and also helping them to have a biological child of their own. This is a huge decision that comes with huge rewards. Everyone involved in this process feels blessed in […]

Surrogates: What to Expect During Your Psychological Evaluation

One of the most important steps in preparing for your surrogacy journey is the psychological evaluation, which will take place once you have been matched with intended parents. Surrogate Solutions partners with mental health practitioners like Leslee Murphy, who specialize in the field of third-party reproduction, to conduct the evaluations. “The evaluation is just as […]

What Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions can offer you

Surrogacy may seem simple. Someone wants to have a baby, but any number of factors prevent them from getting or staying pregnant. You’ve had a least one baby, you don’t mind (or even LOVE) being pregnant and your body seems to handle it well. Maybe you’ve even been a surrogate before and have a good […]

Surrogacy Support: Coping with a Failed Transfer

Written By: Hillary Redwine Transfer day is a day filled with excitement for intended parents and surrogates, followed by anticipation as they await confirmation of a positive pregnancy test. After what has likely been months of meetings, medical appointments and contract negotiations, everyone is anxious to officially start the journey. But what happens when things […]

Amy’s Story: Surrogate helps same-sex couples create their families

Written By: Hillary Redwine Is there a certain type of family you would like to help? We ask our gestational carriers at Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions this question to help facilitate a successful match with intended parents. For two-time surrogate Amy Wise, the answer is an easy one. “I carry exclusively for same-sex couples […]

Apply NOW!!! During Open Enrollment Extension

Written by: Hillary Redwine, cross posted When a gestational carrier has her own insurance policy that will cover a surrogate pregnancy, it is a huge benefit for intended parents (IPs), helping them save on the overall cost of surrogacy, which runs upwards of $100,000. In some cases, it is one of the deciding factors for […]

Meet Whitney

Written by: Hillary Redwine, cross posted  Whitney Hall recently joined Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions as a Care Coordinator. She works with intended parents and surrogates once they have been matched to guide and support them throughout the surrogacy process – from the initial medical screening to the pregnancy and delivery. Like many of our […]

A second delivery, a two time surrogate’s story.

Written by: Hillary Redwine, this is cross referenced Meg Watwood truly has a servant’s heart, she is a two-time surrogate and mom of four, Meg loves helping intended parents create their families and views surrogacy as another way she can serve others. She was drawn to becoming a gestational carrier after she and her husband […]