Become an egg donor and help create a happy family

Be the solution.
Create a happy family.
Benefit financially.
Being an egg donor is one of the most wonderful and selfless things you can do for someone else. There are many people who struggle with infertility and need the help of young women like yourself to assist them in their dream of creating their family. We appreciate each of our egg donors and are excited to get to know you. You, the egg donor, make what we do possible.
Being an egg donor allows you to help someone by working part-time and earning some extra money. Most of our donors are in school and/or working. Additionally, women who are mothers themselves are excellent egg donor candidates.
Being an egg donor requires a commitment. Once an egg donor is selected, the intended parent(s) are placing all their dreams into your hands. For that reason, Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions is passionate about educating you on the process of being a donor and highlighting the impact you will have. We work with the most reputable fertility clinics that we know treat our donors with care and respect. In return, we ask that when you are accepted into our program, you are 100% committed to helping intended parents with their dream of becoming parents. You may choose to donate locally or travel (with expenses paid) to help families across the United States.
We appreciate the time that our donors put into the process. We know you are interested in helping a family but feel your time is worth compensation. We offer a competitive compensation package to each of our donors. You will be compensated between $9,000 and $14,000 for each donation cycle that you complete (up to 6 donations per ASRM standards).
Egg donation is when a caring woman chooses to donate her excess eggs to a person who needs them to conceive a child. The egg donor will take medications to increase her egg production and then the eggs are removed from the donor’s ovaries. Once removed, the eggs will be combined with sperm to create embryos, which will later be transferred to the intended mother or surrogate’s uterus for development.
1 in 8 women struggle with infertility. Most infertile couples rely on egg donors as a last chance to create a happy family. Other times, the intended parents need an egg donor AND surrogate to complete their dreams of having a child. Egg donors can also help create families for individuals and same -sex couples.
Will you qualify to be an egg donor?
- Are you a female in the US between the ages of 21-28 and generally healthy?
- Do you have regular monthly periods?
- Do you have a BMI between 21-28?
- Do you have a flexible schedule to attend morning doctor appointments and comfortable missing work or school?
- Do you have reliable childcare for these appointments?
- Are you a college graduate or pursuing a higher education beyond high school?
- Do you have knowledge of the physical characteristics and health history of family members?
At Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions, egg donors are compensated $9,000-$14,000 (depending on donor experience) for your time and commitment to the egg donation cycle. This compensation is paid after the final retrieval of eggs and after all unused medications are returned. Egg donors are giving the ultimate gift of life to a family that otherwise could not have children, but it is not without occasional inconvenience on the egg donor’s part. Cycles generally last 3-5 months with daily commitments during the final 10-21 days of the cycle. Donors must be committed to occasionally missing class, work, or other obligations in order to prioritize cycle appointments.
Compensation is intended to pay for your efforts and time away from school, work, and family.

Why you? Hear what families have to say to their egg donors.
I wish I could describe how much you mean to my husband and me. We both always wanted to have children, but we met late in life and by the time we were married, I was 37 and diagnosed with infertility due to endometriosis. We spent the last 4 years trying multiple IVF cycles that were unsuccessful. I always longed to be pregnant and dreamed of the moment I would give my husband the news. Our doctor informed us that trying an egg donor is our best chance of being a family. When we found your profile, we knew instantly that you were THE ONE. I loved reading about your happy personality and seeing your beautiful smile. We both share a love for travel and fashion design which also happens to be my profession. I think about you daily and I’m so thankful for the gift of life you are giving to us. Thanks to you, we now have a real chance to become parents and a family. With love, IM.
First, I want to say THANK YOU even though it doesn’t come close to expressing how grateful we are for you. Our journey has been long and difficult. We’ve endured so many IVF procedures, failed attempts, and countless hours of grief. But reading your profile and learning about who YOU ARE, inspired us. Your story, compassion, and kindness mean more to us than you’ll ever know. We know this is challenging and a commitment for you too and we are sending you prayers that it all goes smoothly for you. We appreciate the sacrifices you are making to give us this gift. Just know that this child will be surrounded by loving family and friends and we will give our child a wonderful life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We wanted to tell you thank you for all you’re doing to help our dreams of having children come true. We met and got married in our late 20s and at age 30 I was diagnosed with cancer. After treatment, I am now 33 years old and cancer free, however I am now unable to have a child genetically related to me. This was devastating news, but I have made peace with it and I am genuinely excited and ready to have a child regardless of who’s DNA he or she has. We looked through many profiles over the last several months and no one seemed just right, until YOU. We were so relieved to find your profile and instantly felt connected to you. It seems we have a lot of things in common and that makes this process much easier. Our biggest dream in life now is to have children and be a family. We are so thankful to you for your help in making that dream a reality. Thank you so much!
We wanted to take this opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude for you giving us this wonderful gift & the opportunity to grow our family. The journey to build our family has had many obstacles, but we are both firm believers in having faith and we are so thankful for you! We are so appreciative that you were willing to take time out of your schedule & travel to help us start our family. We are very much looking forward to our journey & all that lies ahead. We want you to know that you will hold a special place in our hearts forever. Wishing you many blessings in your life!
How do I move forward to be an egg donor?
Once matched with a family, your schedule could look similar to this...
- Matched with a family and complete paperwork with EDSS and phone consults with our office.
- Complete an AMH blood draw.
- Complete a genetic consult.
- Complete blood work on day 3 of your period – day 3 is important!
- Psychological evaluation – This will likely be done local to you or done while in town for the initial screening.
- Initial medical screening with the fertility specialist. If you are traveling for a cycle, this would be a one-day trip to that city (expenses paid).
- You will be deemed medically and psychologically cleared once the doctor has results of your medical screening.
- Complete contracts with an attorney. We will help! You will be represented by an attorney to complete contracts with the family to protect you as an egg donor.
- You will start birth control as requested by the clinic and be asked to abstain from sexual intercourse.
- You’ll receive a calendar about 1-3 weeks out with more exact appointment times so you can plan accordingly. During this busy month, you may be inconvenienced by having to find childcare, missing work, or missing school.
- Complete baseline ultrasound and additional blood work, usually in one appointment.
- Start medications! These are hormone injections you will give yourself every day for 10-21 days. We will teach you how to do this, and you’re welcome to have a friend/family member help.
- Attend 6-10 morning appointments once you start medications. All are typically before 9am and are non-negotiable. If you are completing a traveling cycle, expect to be in that city for 7-10 days. You must bring a companion over age 18 with you and all of his/her expenses will also be paid.
- Egg retrieval day – This is usually an early morning procedure. Someone will need to take you to the clinic and then back home. On the day of retrieval, you’ll need to rest with no work, kids, or school responsibilities. When complete, your compensation will be sent – usually via direct deposit. If you are traveling, you will retrun home 24 hours after retrieval.

Your Support Team
The team at Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions is comprised of previous egg donors, nurses, women who have struggled to get pregnant themselves, and social workers who are committed to educating and supporting you in your egg donation journey. Our team has worked with over 1000 egg donors and we are excited to guide and celebrate your decision to do the same.
Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions is based in McKinney, Texas. But the ED&SS team facilitates cycles all over the US and you can and live anywhere in the United States and be an egg donor. We are a nationwide agency that works with clinics, recipients, and egg donors across the country.
Possible Side Effects
As you consider if you are willing to help create a happy family, please explore potential side effects. Some donors experience no side effects at all, but that is rare. Generally, most donors will experience bloating, cramping, and fatigue while on medications and after retrieval. Many donors describe similar feelings to when they have “a bad/heavy period”. Mild stomachache and discomfort, as well as nausea and headaches can be caused due to increased hormones.
The most significant complication of egg donation is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) which is classified as mild, moderate, or severe. OHSS occurs when the body responds more strongly to the medications causing enlarged ovaries and abdominal fluid retention.
Mild OHSS affects 10-30% of donors and while uncomfortable, does not require any further medical treatment. Over a few days, the body will naturally absorb the excess fluid in the abdomen and ovaries will return to their normal size.
Moderate to severe OHSS affects only 1-5% of donors and requires medical intervention which could include aspiration of the fluid/ovaries, additional medications, IV fluids and in rare circumstances, admission to the hospital for observation. If medical intervention is required, all expenses will be covered by a separate insurance policy purchased (by the intended parents) prior to the start of the cycle.
Our team is diligent in the care of all egg donors throughout and after their egg donation cycle. OHSS is preventable by measuring medication responses and can be avoided for subsequent cycles. Have questions about OHSS? Contact our team today.