Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

The right match

As the old saying goes, when you find “the one,” you’ll know. Oftentimes, this saying will also ring true for Intended Parents finding their Surrogate. Many factors come into play when choosing a Surrogate, including personal views, history, and personality types. Finding the right Surrogate is one of the most important decisions of your life – how can you be sure she is “the one”?

Working with an agency will help you every step of the way to match you with your perfect Surrogate. However, this decision ultimately comes down to the bond created between the Intended Parents and the Surrogate. It is expected and understood that both the Intended Parents and Surrogate will initially be nervous when meeting for the first time and experience some feelings of anxiety in regard to what the future will hold.

Although your agency would not have you meet with your potential Surrogate if they were unsure of a match, it is recommended to come prepared with a list of questions when meeting for the first time. This will help all parties involved learn more about each other and ensure that you have, in fact, found “the one.”  While you will certainly have your own unique set of questions you’ll want to ask your potential Surrogate, we’ve compiled a list of “must-asks” to consider during your first meeting.

  • Decision. What made you decide to become a Surrogate? Do you have the support of your family and others close to you?
  • Communication. How much communication would you be comfortable with or want before, during, and after the pregnancy? What kind of communication do you prefer: in person, by telephone, or by email?
  • Children. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Have you ever experienced any complications during pregnancy?
  • Lifestyle. What are your job demands? What do you enjoy for recreation? What is your ideal timeframe for getting started?
  • Delivery. Where would you prefer to deliver? Who would you be comfortable having in the delivery room? What are your desires after the delivery?

Tune into our podcast & hear about an Intended Mother’s journey to parenthood. Your first meeting with your potential Surrogate should be an exciting learning experience. Do not hesitate to ask any questions you feel are important or you are simply curious about; after all, this may be the woman who will be carrying your baby! After the first meeting, if you feel your potential Surrogate is “the one,” you will know. If you would like to learn more about Surrogate matching, please contact Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions today!



We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy  with the help of caring Egg Donors & Surrogates.
Learn MoreSurrogacy CostsWhy to use an agency,  How we are different, Finding the right carrierGetting Started

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