Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Meet Kevin & Jenny, can you be their solution?

Allow us to introduce our Intended Parents Kevin and Jenny.

They have been together for over 13 years and have been married for almost 6. They met when they were 18 and 19 years old at the University of South Carolina and realized they grew up in small towns next to each other in Maryland. They currently live in Kensington, Maryland with their daughter and French bulldog.
Jenny and Kevin’s journey to growing a family has not been easy. Jenny was diagnosed with PCOS right after college so she and Kevin were prepared for fertility treatments when the time came. It took 21 months of treatments (everything but IVF) before they conceived their firstborn, Conor.
When Conor turned 6 months old Kevin was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, as well as type 1 diabetes at the age of 30. Kevin and Jenny spent most of that year in and out of the hospital trying to get Kevin’s chronic diseases under control. Kevin ended up needing to be put on daily oral chemotherapy medication as well as immunomodulators.
Because of this, their RE recommended they go straight to IVF to complete their family. Fortunately, Kevin had his sperm frozen before starting all the intense medications. After 1 round of IVF Jenny and Kevin ended up with 11 genetically perfect embryos: 6 girls and 5 boys.
One year later, after Kevin achieved remission, Jenny and Kevin went through the process of embryo transfer and got pregnant right away with their daughter. Overall, Jenny’s pregnancy was not easy. On December 1, 2020, shortly after Conor’s second birthday, Conor was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).
During his initial one-month hospital stay Jenny almost miscarried Reagan at 16 weeks. Luckily, Reagan fought hard and made it to her induction date and was born perfectly at 8lb 12oz. She had a ton of dark hair just like her brother and bright blue eyes.
Unfortunately, a few hours after birth Jenny wouldn’t stop bleeding and had lost half of her body’s blood. The physicians tried everything to stop it, but her OB finally decided that it was vital to her life to do an emergency D&C. Later that day Jenny woke up in the ICU and was told she was lucky to be alive. She lost more than her body’s worth of blood due to a spontaneous rupture of her uterus and she ended up losing her left ovary.
Jenny went on to recover well, but because of her weakened uterus, it was recommended (for the safety of herself and future children) that surrogacy be considered so she could avoid another spontaneous rupture while pregnant, which would end in the loss of a child and possible loss of her own life.
After several relapses, Conor passed away at home surrounded by all of his family. He was kind, loving, and smart with the most tender heart. Conor loved construction sites and construction vehicles, dinosaurs and birds (he could name them all).
Kevin and Jenny’s hope is to give Conor and Reagan 2-3 more siblings, and they would love to find a surrogate who would be open to carrying for them now and in the future, if possible.
If you would like to help grow their family, apply today at If surrogacy is not right for you, you can help by #sharingthispost.


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