Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Six Gift Ideas for Your Surrogate


Written By: Hillary Redwine

For our surrogates at Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions, the greatest gift is helping intended parents create their happy families. While gifts are never expected, we know that intended parents often want to express their gratitude with a gift. We recently asked some of our surrogates / gestational carriers (GCs) to share the types of gifts they have received and appreciated over the years. Below are a few suggestions.

Lighten the load
GCs are busy caring for their own families and often managing their careers while carrying for another family. Practical gifts that make life easier during pregnancy and after delivery are at the top of the list. Some ideas include housekeeping services, meal deliveries, and gift cards to favorite restaurants or retailers like Amazon,  Target, and Walmart.

Pamper her
Several surrogates mentioned receiving gifts focused on self-care and pampering – massages, manicures and pedicures, and gift baskets with items such as a cozy blanket, slippers, a candle, and wine (for after the delivery!). Pregnancy can be uncomfortable at times so anything that can help your GC relax and feel pampered will be appreciated!

Jewelry was the most frequently mentioned gift that our surrogates have received from their intended parents, typically at the delivery or soon after. Often personalized with the child’s birthstone or an engraved message, jewelry is a thoughtful keepsake to remind your GC of her special connection to your family.

Food and flowers
These were another common theme among our surrogates who mentioned how much they loved it when intended parents brought sweets or snacks to medical appointments, treated them to lunch, or sent flowers following the transfer.

Include her family
Being a surrogate requires a strong support system. Her partner and children will be invested in the journey, and surrogates are especially touched intended parents recognize these family members. Some ideas include a date night for your surrogate and her partner, toys or other gifts for her children, or a gift card for an outing the entire family can enjoy together.

Capture the moment
Many intended parents develop a close bond with their GC and her family. A photo session during pregnancy is a special way to capture the connection between your families, and it will serve as a keepsake for years to come. Photo sessions with intended parents and GCs can also be a fun and creative way to announce a surrogate pregnancy.

If you decide to get your GC a gift, know that whatever you choose will be unexpected and very much appreciated. The greatest gift will be watching you meet your precious little one for the first time. That moment is what our surrogates say makes the journey so worthwhile!

We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy  with the help of

caring Egg Donors & Surrogates.

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