Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Breastfeeding Awareness Week

After delivery, some gestational carriers (GCs) will pump breastmilk for several weeks or months and send it to the intended parents. The desire for GCs to provide breastmilk for their surrobabes and for how long is a topic that is discussed between the GC and intended parents during the match process. While the benefits for […]

Meet Jordan & Ori, can you be their solution?

Allow us to introduce our Intended Parents Jordan and Ori. They are a same sex couple from Florida, and they have been together for eight years and married for four. From a young age, each of them dreamed of having children, and together they are now starting their surrogacy journey to have a biological child […]

Meet Darren and Priyanka, can you be their solution?

Darren and Priyanka are from the Houston area and have been married for almost six years. On their first date, they talked about their future and wanting to raise a family together. They were engaged within six months of that first date, knowing that it was love at first sight. Unfortunately, soon after they were […]

Meet Josh & Jayme, can you be their solution?

Meet our Intended Parents Josh and Jayme. They are a young married couple who live in the Northeastern US and have been married for four years.  From the time they met, they dreamed of having a family together, but unfortunately, Jayme was diagnosed with several chronic illnesses (lupus, fibromyalgia, small fiber peripheral neuropathy, and others) […]

Surrogacy Myths

There are so many myths in the world of surrogacy. With surrogacy, there are always good vibes, happy thoughts, and baby dust to wish the surrogate and her intended parent(s)  good luck on their transfer day, but let us clarify some of the misconceptions you may have heard.   Myth: A woman will opt for […]

ASRM Guidelines: What Surrogates Need to Know

If you are considering a surrogacy journey, we first and foremost want to thank you for your generosity in wanting to help intended parents achieve their dream of having a family. Our team could not do what we do without our amazing surrogates. As an agency, we follow the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s (ASRM) […]

Pregnant with a Purpose: Documenting the Surrogacy Journey

As a first-time surrogate excited to start her journey, Veronica knew she wanted to document the entire experience. She searched on Amazon and Etsy for surrogacy journals but couldn’t find one that she really liked. After seeing a TikTok video where a woman explained how to publish a book on Amazon, Veronica decided to create […]

My Family’s role in my surrogacy journey

Becoming a surrogate is a monumental experience to embark upon, both for you individually, as well as your family as a whole. Your spouse will be your strongest source of physical and emotional support during your surrogacy, so it is important to make this big decision together. Begin by engaging in an honest and open […]

Meet Erika & Chris, can you be their solution?

Trigger Warning: Child Loss Erika and Chris lost their precious son at 2 years old in a tragic accident. He was the only child they had together. Shortly after their son’s birth, Erika elected to undergo a hysterectomy due to her being a carrier of an ovarian cancer gene that was detected after her mother […]


For our intended mothers who struggle with infertility, Mother’s Day can be one of the hardest days of the year. Every commercial advertising the perfect gift, every restaurant email touting a special Mother’s Day brunch menu, and every photo on social media of friends celebrating Mother’s Day with their families is a painful reminder of […]

Have you considered egg donation?

Why Become an Egg Donor? Thinking about donating eggs? You may be surprised at the impact you can have. Couples cannot always have children on their own without the help of donor eggs. Your decision to donate can play a significant role in the lives of intended parents, their family, and their friends, not to […]

Are You Ready for your next Surrogacy Journey?

Many of our gestational carriers (GCs) have done multiple journeys. After a rewarding experience the first time around, they are eager to help create another happy family. To be approved for a repeat journey, GCs must meet the same basic qualifications that were required for their first journey. This includes being between the ages of […]

Meet Natalia and Michael, can you be their solution?

They have been married for 5 years, and they have wanted nothing more than to have a family. Due to both Michael and Natalia each having a genetic mutation that causes a rare disease, they had to go through IVF to conceive their daughter. She is the joy of their lives!! Shortly following their daughter’s […]

Why Become an Egg Donor?

This is a great option if you want to help others & are not quite ready to be a surrogate.  You may be surprised at the impact you can have. Couples cannot always have children on their own without the help of donor eggs. Your decision to donate can play a significant role in the […]

It is almost Delivery Day…

You and your Intended Parents have made it! It is almost Delivery Day & we are so excited for you all. Starting to prepare for this day is very important, especially with surrogacy. Delivery day is a big day for everyone involved, even if the surrogate has already had her own child and knows what […]

Jen’s Story: A Beautiful Journey

The amazing women who help create happy families choose to become surrogates for a variety of reasons. Some have witnessed family members or close friends struggle with infertility, others learn about surrogacy from a friend who has been a gestational carrier and some simply want to help other families experience the incredible love they feel […]

After a Miscarriage: Coping as a Surrogate

Miscarrying a baby is a heart-wrenching experience. Surrogates have an added layer with the worry of how the intended parents might be processing it. They often feel as if they have let down the intended parents and/or the surrogacy agency. There is no blame in any direction. Going through a miscarriage as a surrogate can […]

The Bond Between Surrogates and Intended Mothers

A first-time surrogate shares her story We frequently hear from surrogates that one of the best parts of their journey, second only to helping to create a family, is the relationship that is formed with the intended parents (IPs). After sharing such a uniquely personal experience, many gestational carriers (GCs) and their families develop lifelong […]

Fit for the Solution

As with any pregnancy, it is important for surrogates to focus on their health during their pregnancy. Choosing to stay fit and make healthy choices provides the optimal environment for both the surrogate and baby to thrive. One should make a point to discuss with their OB about what exercise is appropriate during pregnancy. We […]

Meet Jaclyn & Jason, can you be their solution?

Jaclyn and Jason are a very active couple who have been married for 8 years.  For 5 ½ of those years, they have unsuccessfully been trying to have a baby.  They have 3 embryos and were all set to do an embryo transfer last summer when Jaclyn’s older brother unexpectedly died of a heart attack.  […]