Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Meet Peter & Erin, can you be their solution?


Peter and Erin have been trying to have a baby ever since they married in 2012. Unfortunately, they have had a very long, painful, and unsuccessful journey. They suffered three miscarriages before consulting an infertility specialist and attempted multiple unsuccessful IVF cycles with Erin’s eggs and donor eggs before finally turning to adoption in hopes of having a baby. Unfortunately, after 1 ½ years in the adoption system, they were told that due to the Covid-19 baby bust, it is extremely unlikely they will be able to adopt for the foreseeable future. This is why they are needing the help of a gestational carrier.

Erin and Peter are from New Orleans. They have been married for nine years and have been together for fourteen. Erin and Peter met through a mutual group of friends who played softball together. They ran into each other one day, the sparks flew, and the rest is history. They were (and still are) the opposites who attracted.

Erin is from the South, and she is soft, bubbly, and warm. Peter is from the Northeast, and he is confident, strong, and reserved. Erin teaches dance and Peter is an attorney. Peter likes historical documentaries and Erin likes Top Chef. You get the idea. 😉

Peter and Erin’s differences truly do make the magic in their relationship, and they complement each other very well. They are always challenging each other to see things differently, but one thing both of them desire is a family.

If you or someone you know feels called to help this sweet couple complete their family, we would love to speak with you. You can learn about the process and apply to be a surrogate at Thank you for your consideration in giving to this precious family!



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