Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Meet Brandi & Mark, can you be their solution?

Allow us to introduce our Intended Parents Brandi and Mark.

They are from Northern Virginia and have been married for 6 years. They met in 2011 at a corporate holiday party, and it was there that Brandi caught Mark’s eye. After exchanging numbers, they started dating, and the rest is history. Brandi describes Mark as having charming charisma, and she knew early on that he would make a wonderful, devoted husband and a great dad one day.

A year after Mark and Brandi were married, they started trying to have a family. Brandi has a history of uterine fibroids, but she had them previously removed and did not anticipate any problems getting pregnant. To Mark and Brandi’s disappointment, and after a year of trying to conceive, Brandi found out the fibroids had grown back and were even worse than before. Brandi underwent more surgeries, multiple rounds of IUI, and IVF saw multiple physicians, and everyone’s conclusion was the same: they needed the help of a gestational carrier to have a baby.

As Brandi started her last round of IVF to create more embryos, she went in for a routine exam and found out she was 6 weeks pregnant!! Mark and Brandi were overjoyed!! Doctors had told them they would never get pregnant, but they proved them wrong. At 28 weeks, however, when Brandi went in for her routine check-up, they found out their baby did not have a heartbeat. Mark and Brandi were absolutely devastated! Their dreams of having a baby were slipping away.

After months of grieving, they were ready to pursue surrogacy. Their surrogacy journey started off fabulous, but it was a complicated pregnancy which created more worry and stress. Thankfully, in November 2020, their precious baby girl was born!

Mark and Brandi currently have 4 more embryos, and they would love nothing more than to give these embryos a chance at life. Could you help them? If you have had good pregnancies and feel called to give to another family, we would love to talk with you. To learn more about surrogacy and to apply to be Brandi and Mark’s surrogate, please visit Thank you for your consideration in giving to this precious, deserving family!


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