Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Surrogacy Qualifications

For many women, becoming a surrogate is a dream come true. Many surrogates have expressed that although their family was complete, they missed being pregnant and wanted the opportunity to give another family the gift of a child; these feelings are not uncommon. While becoming a surrogate is an extremely rewarding journey, it is also one that requires many important standards to be met in order to proceed. Of course the most important qualification is the decision that becoming a surrogate mother is the right path; however, some potential surrogates do find themselves in the position of being declined the opportunity to become a surrogate. Although specific prerequisites vary from agency to agency, standard requirements include:

  • Physical health. Any woman considering becoming a surrogate must be between the ages of 21 and 45 and be in overall good health with a BMI of 33 or below. She must be a non-smoker living in a smoke-free environment and free of any sexual diseases or infections. A full physical exam is required.
  • Previous births. To become a surrogate, a woman must have given birth to at least one child she is raising. She cannot have had more than two C-sections and has never experienced any serious medical problems during pregnancy or delivery. She must be cleared by her OB, able to provide delivery records, and have had no pre-term deliveries before 36 weeks.
  • Personal life. Intended surrogates must submit to a psychological evaluation. The woman must have full emotional support from her spouse or partner and in certain situations, the spouse or partner may be required to undergo psychological evaluation as well. The intended surrogate must be willing to have a criminal background check completed, must not be receiving government assistance, and must be willing to attend counseling sessions throughout the surrogacy if recommended.

Although these qualifications are standard, women can be declined from becoming a surrogate for various other reasons depending on their surrogacy agency of choice or preferences of the intended parents. The best way to determine if surrogacy is truly the right path for you is to work closely with your surrogacy agency that can explain the requirements in full detail, match you with intended parents who will be a good fit, and if necessary, help you determine an alternative to surrogacy as a way to give back. If you are a returning surrogate, we are so happy to have your back. The steps for you to get started on another journey start with you talking to your coordinator & updating your online profile.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate or simply learning more about surrogacy options, contact us today at Surrogate Solutions!



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caring Egg Donors & Surrogates. 

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