Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Meet Sarah and Clayton, can you be their solution?

Sarah and Clayton have a beautiful blended family, and they have been married for 3 ½ years. Living in Texas, they have two biological children together, and Clayton has three children from a previous marriage.

Sarah and Clayton didn’t meet until Sarah was 38, but she had always longed to be a mother, so she froze her eggs when she was 34 years old. 34 was a very pivotal year for Sarah. Her frozen eggs gave her the patience to wait for the right man. They gave her the confidence to wait on God’s plan and not force her own.

Clayton became a single dad with a 5, 3, and 1-year-old a few years prior to meeting Sarah, but he always wanted to have more children and experience an intact family. Despite being in the same circles for years, it took a mutual friend to set them up. Sarah was initially unwilling to meet Clayton because he already had children and she wanted her own, but the friend urged her to make the move. Luckily, she did because Sarah says Clayton is the best person she knows. Within five minutes of meeting, Sarah told Clayton she wasn’t sure she could be a stepmom; she so desired to have her own children. He replied, “Being a dad is my favorite role in life. I’ll have five more kids if you want them”.

Sarah used to pray for a sign when she met the right person and God gave me a very clear sign that Clayton was the one. Clayton and Sarah electively banked embryos due to meeting a little later in life and Sarah’s frozen eggs not surviving the thaw. They wanted to have three children together, so they decided to “freeze time” after they had a failed round of IVF and the heartbreak of losing Sarah’s ten frozen eggs. Clayton and Sarah were very fortunate they were able to make four healthy embryos. They now have two beautiful babies together, but their family does not feel complete with two embryos left on the ice. They really want to bring their last daughter to life. They will save one embryo in case one of their children struggles with fertility. They figured that it would be better to have your “sister” than not have children at all. The “big kids” love their younger siblings so much as they provide the love and stability that they are missing at their mom’s house.

Sarah is not able to carry their last baby due to her developing a benign tumor that grew due to the IVF hormones. Sarah’s OB wants her to get the tumor removed ASAP and he strongly recommended a surrogate instead of carrying again. Clayton and Sarah would love for their babies to be close in age and due to their age, they are praying that God’s timing of their surrogate aligns with the timing in their minds to complete their family!

If you, or someone you know, has had great pregnancies and would like to help this sweet family bring their last embryo to life, we would love to talk with you. You can learn more and complete an application at Thank you for your consideration in giving the precious gift of life!


 We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy  with the help of caring Egg Donors & Surrogates. 

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