Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Meet Natalia and Michael, can you be their solution?

They have been married for 5 years, and they have wanted nothing more than to have a family. Due to both Michael and Natalia each having a genetic mutation that causes a rare disease, they had to go through IVF to conceive their daughter. She is the joy of their lives!!

Shortly following their daughter’s birth, Natalia was diagnosed with MS and she will not be able to carry another pregnancy due to the medication she must take. Michael and Natalia desperately want to give their only embryo a chance at life, however, so they have turned to surrogacy to see if they can find a selfless woman to help.

Michael and Natalia have a very large extended family, most of whom live local to them in Houston. Their family has been extremely supportive throughout this process, and they are all excited to see them complete their family.

Michael and Natalia both grew up in Texas. Natalia’s family immigrated to the US, and she likens them to the family from the movie “My Big, Fat Greek Wedding” (except her family is Cuban and Jewish!). Michael also comes from a Jewish family, and both Natalia and Michael share similar values and morals. They will do anything to support members of their family or friends.

Natalia and Michael’s favorite pastime is spending time with their precious daughter. They enjoy taking walks in the neighborhood and they frequent neighborhood restaurants. They love traveling, cooking, and spending lazy weekend days together.

If you, or someone you know, feels called to help this precious couple complete their family, we would love to talk to you. You can learn more about the process and apply to be their surrogate at


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