Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Meet Vasili and Claudia, Can You Be Their Solution?

Vasili and Claudia have a strong desire to add to their family, but they have encountered difficulties due to infertility. To fulfill their dream, they are seeking the assistance of a surrogate.  

Vasili and Claudia met in 2018 when Vasili was residing in New York and Claudia was in Miami. Initially introduced as colleagues, they gradually developed a connection through conversations regarding immigration matters. A lunch meeting during one of Claudia’s work trips to New York turned into a memorable day spent exploring the city. Vasili dropped her off at the hotel but invited her to dinner that same evening, solidifying their growing bond. 

Following Claudia’s return to Miami, they began communicating regularly through various means and organizing plans to meet again. Through phone calls, FaceTime sessions, WhatsApp messages, and weekend getaways, their love blossomed. During a trip to Germany in October of that year, they decided to extend their stay because they simply wanted to be together. By Christmas, Claudia knew she wanted to spend her life with Vasili.  She knew he was an exceptional father and she desired to have more children with him.  

In May 2019, Vasili relocated to Miami, and in November of the same year, they became engaged and began arranging their wedding. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, their wedding had to be postponed twice before they finally celebrated their beautiful union on December 19, 2020. By this time, they had already consulted with a fertility specialist and were aware that IVF was necessary to conceive a child together. 

As attorneys, Vasili specializes in personal injury cases while Claudia specializes in immigration law. After their baby is born, they plan to continue practicing law. Their intention is to work together, allowing Claudia to spend more time at home with the baby while Vasili manages the firm. Currently, Claudia operates an immigration firm but they have aspirations to expand into the field of personal injury law and collaborate as a team. 

Vasili enjoys playing tennis, while Claudia finds spinning and her Peloton exercises enjoyable. Vasili has a deep passion for history, having pursued it as his major in college and amassing a significant collection of history and art books at home. Both share a love for traveling and exploring different cultures, having visited over 10 countries together. Among their favorite trips was their journey to Egypt in 2021.

Their aspiration is to raise their child as an adventurous explorer, exposing them to museums and diverse countries. Vasili also possesses a passion for foreign languages, being fluent in English, Spanish, and French, and having some knowledge of Italian and Portuguese. He desires for their child to acquire language skills, a sentiment that Claudia supports wholeheartedly. They also place great importance on work ethics and education. Their aim is to raise a child who values education, appreciates various forms of art, and embodies kindness, friendliness, and the drive to reach their full potential. 

Although Vasili and Claudia have distinct personalities, they share numerous commonalities and strong family values. They made the decision to have a child together because they both desired a second child and yearned to experience parenthood as a united team. They have two older children from previous relationships. Their commitment to their marriage and family is unwavering, and it would be a dream come true for them to have a child together. 

After two miscarriages and another failed IVF journey, they are looking for a Surrogate who can help them with this dream.  Can you help make their dreams come true?


We help Intended Parents Create Happy Families via Egg Donation & Surrogacy with the help of caring Egg Donors & Surrogates.

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