Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Meet Nick & Brian, Can you be their solution?

Nick and Brian are eager to expand their family and are currently seeking a surrogate to help fulfill their dreams.

Their love story originated from a friendship that blossomed when they coincidentally sat next to each other in a large auditorium during their freshman year of college. Little did they know that this serendipitous encounter would lead to a profound and enduring connection.

After college, they both moved away and lost touch. However, fate intervened seven years later when they happened to be traveling for the weekend and found themselves at the same restaurant in the same city. Reconnecting ignited their romance, and two years later, they exchanged vows and were married.

Having been married for seven years, they have dedicated this time to advancing their careers, building a life together, and embracing every moment. They have embarked on adventures to approximately ten countries, embarked on remodeling projects for five homes, and even constructed two homes. Their side hobby/business of flipping and building homes has not only been personally rewarding but has also provided them with the means to start their family. The hard work they invested has made this journey all the more worthwhile. Currently, they are in the process of building their long-term home, where they intend to settle down and nurture their growing family.

Both Nick and Brian maintain strong bonds with their families, who conveniently live within a two-hour radius. They are grateful for these close relationships and cherish the time spent together. While one of them has the joy of having two siblings and six nieces/nephews to dote on, the other is an only child. They consider themselves fortunate to have parents who have been married for over 45 years and who have provided them with exceptional examples of love and commitment.

Their circle of friends holds a place of great significance in their lives, akin to their own family. They are surrounded by a wonderfully supportive group who eagerly await the opportunity to become “uncles” to their future child. Gathering for dinner and game nights at least once a week is a regular occurrence, and they also make it a point to embark on annual trips to Cape Cod together. They consider themselves truly blessed to have such incredible friends enriching their lives.

Both Nick and Brian work in the finance industry and have no plans to cease their professional endeavors once their baby arrives. They anticipate relying on their families for childcare assistance and potentially hiring a nanny. Fortunately, one of them is employed by the family business, which affords them a highly flexible work schedule, enabling them to effectively accommodate and prioritize childcare. They derive immense joy from various activities, including traveling, engaging in home renovation and construction projects, enjoying nights out with friends and family, staying active through exercise, immersing themselves in live music and theater, and indulging in Bravo TV shows.

Adding to their family dynamic, they have two lovable Pomeranians, Wentworth (16 years old) and Dori (approximately 8 years old), with Dori being a rescue they found downtown. Their adorable, fluffy companions are deeply cherished and thoroughly spoiled.

They eagerly look forward to the opportunity to travel with their future child, introducing them to a multitude of experiences and cultures. Can you be their solution? Can you help Nick & Brian to become parents?




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