Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Blog Posts

Navigating the Journey to Parenthood: Insights from Dr. Jerald Goldstein

Becoming a parent is a deeply personal and emotional journey, one that doesn’t always follow the path we expect. Dr. Jerald Goldstein, founder and medical director of Fertility Specialists of...
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Meet Bob, can you be his solution?

Bob is a very genuine and caring man who has always wanted children for as long as he can remember. He lives in a small town in Kansas the kind of place where kids still ride bikes and play outside...

Meet Desirae and Jake, can you be their solution?

Desirae and Jake have been happily married for 6 years, and they live in Central Texas.  Desirae is a mental health counselor and Jake is a CPA.  They have a 2 ½-year-old son who is very creative and...

Meet Lindsay & Jeremy, can you be their solution?

Lindsay and Jeremy met their junior year of college at the University of Oklahoma and kept in touch after graduating. They started dating and soon after that, Lindsay accepted a job in Santiago...

Meet Amber & Dan, can you be their solution?

Meet Amber and Daniel! They live in Texas and have been married for 9 years. They have actively been trying to add to their family for the past three years without success. Amber lost her kidney a few...
Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide

Navigating how surrogate compensation works and the next steps in the process can be overwhelming. Get our free Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide so you understand it all. Earn $50,000+ for your family while helping Create A Happy Family!
