Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Blog Posts

Navigating the Journey to Parenthood: Insights from Dr. Jerald Goldstein

Becoming a parent is a deeply personal and emotional journey, one that doesn’t always follow the path we expect. Dr. Jerald Goldstein, founder and medical director of Fertility Specialists of...
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What Potential Donors Need To Know

Can I donate eggs if I’m on birth control? This is one of the most frequently asked questions we hear from potential donors, and the short answer is – it depends. Some methods of birth control are...

Ready for Another Journey!

Gestational surrogates choose to travel the path of surrogacy for a variety of different reasons. Many women want to share the joy they have found in becoming a parent by helping other couples who...

Explaining Surrogacy to Your Children: Five Book Recommendations

Being a gestational carrier requires a great deal of commitment and sacrifice – not just for the surrogate and her partner but often for their children as well. If you are considering becoming a...

Lactation Counselor Provides Tips for Exclusively Pumping

Juli Velasquez is highly regarded among our Surrogate Solutions community as the go-to expert on exclusively pumping. As a three-time gestational carrier (single female born in 2015, boy/girl twins...

Intended Parents Share a Message for Their Egg Donors

Have you ever considered the impact you could have by helping to create a family? As an egg donor, you have the potential to help make intended parents’ dreams of parenthood a reality. We asked some...

“Do you tell a child that they were conceived via egg or sperm donor?”

Written by: Dr. Shannon M. Clark, MD Cheryl Whitney-Huebner, Image Studios Group LLC I knew that trying to become a first-time mom at 40 would be tough. My fears were realized when my first pregnancy...

ASRM Guidelines: What Surrogates Need to Know

If you are considering a surrogacy journey, we first and foremost want to thank you for your generosity in wanting to help intended parents achieve their dream of having a family. Our team could not...

Our family is how it always should have been

Written By: Carrie Collier-Brown At age 31, Carrie Collier-Brown was on the verge of an exciting new phase in her life. She had just graduated from law school and was preparing to take the bar exam. A...

Pregnant with a Purpose: Documenting the Surrogacy Journey

As a first-time surrogate excited to start her journey, Veronica knew she wanted to document the entire experience. She searched on Amazon and Etsy for surrogacy journals but couldn’t find one that...
Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide

Navigating how surrogate compensation works and the next steps in the process can be overwhelming. Get our free Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide so you understand it all. Earn $50,000+ for your family while helping Create A Happy Family!
