Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Blog Posts

Navigating the Journey to Parenthood: Insights from Dr. Jerald Goldstein

Becoming a parent is a deeply personal and emotional journey, one that doesn’t always follow the path we expect. Dr. Jerald Goldstein, founder and medical director of Fertility Specialists of...
All Categoriesegg donationEgg DonorsFamilies you can help as a surrogateGestational SurrogacyIntended ParentsPodcastRecipient ParentsStories of SurrogacySupport and ResourcesSurrogatesUncategorizedWhere are they now

Be The Solution!

This week at Egg Donor Solutions, we have been focused on sharing information and resources about National Infertility Awareness Week in an effort to support the 1 in 8 couples who struggle with...

What happens at Psych Evaluations?

One of the most important steps in preparing for your surrogacy journey is the psychological evaluation, which will take place once you have been matched with intended parents. Surrogate Solutions...

Meet Ali & David, can you be their solution?

Meet Ali & David, they are both originally from the Chicagoland suburban area. They lived in Alabama for 9 years before moving back home, and still enjoy going back to see friends & family...

Meet Sarah & Mike, can you be their solution?

Meet Sarah and Mike, a dynamic duo bursting with outgoing energy and a deep love for their circle of family and friends. Their journey is a testament to their resilience and determination, fueled by a...

A Spouse’s Role in The Journey of Egg Donation and Surrogacy

In a recent interview, we had the privilege of speaking with Blake, who generously shared his experience as a supportive spouse in the world of surrogacy and egg donation. Blake’s wife, Katy...

Meet Krishna & Ashley, can you be their solution?

Meet our intended parents Krishna & Ashley, They met in November of 2019 and quickly realized that they wanted to spend their lives together. Their personalities balance each other well (e.g...

Why register with the Donor Sibling Registry

As you consider helping a family via egg donation, we are here to guide and support you through the process of screening, legal, medications and the retrieval process and we are also proud to help you...

Meet the Kehoe Family, Can You Be Their Solution?

Meet the Kehoes, You may remember Jenny & Kevin, they are looking for one more surrogate to complete their family! Back to the beginning, Kevin & Jenny have been together since college, where...

Meet Sasha & Charlie, can you be their solution?

You may remember our intended Parents Sasha & Charlie. They are still in need of a surrogate to help them to become parents. They have been married for seventeen years, Sasha and Charlie are each...
Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide

Navigating how surrogate compensation works and the next steps in the process can be overwhelming. Get our free Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide so you understand it all. Earn $50,000+ for your family while helping Create A Happy Family!
