Becoming a parent is a deeply personal and emotional journey, one that doesn’t always follow the path we expect. Dr. Jerald Goldstein, founder and medical director of Fertility Specialists of...
All Categoriesegg donationEgg DonorsFamilies you can help as a surrogateGestational SurrogacyIntended ParentsPodcastRecipient ParentsStories of SurrogacySupport and ResourcesSurrogatesUncategorizedWhere are they now
As a surrogate you are not just helping to create parents. You are helping to create grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and sometimes siblings. You are literally changes lives… doesn’t...
Surrogacy may seem simple. You want to have a child, but for any number of reasons, you are not able to carry a pregnancy to term. You need the help of a surrogate to complete your family. Someone...
Benefits of working with an agency versus a frozen egg bank Egg donors today have many options when it comes to choosing who they want to work with for their donation cycle(s). There are agencies...
All egg donors at Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions (ED&SS) will undergo a psychological evaluation as part of the medical screening and testing phase once they have matched with intended...
As a surrogate, you have the ability to make a difference, you are changing lives and making dreams come true for so many! During the surrogacy process, not only are you giving the couple or...
Is there a certain type of family you would like to help? We ask our gestational carriers at Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions this question to help facilitate a successful match with intended...
When Ashley Long first became an egg donor in 2016, she was single and did not yet have any children of her own. She was inspired to help create a family because of her own family’s experience with...
When same-sex couples turn to egg donation and surrogacy to build their families, sometimes its other members of the LGBTQ+ community who are there to support them. That’s the case for Jordan, who...
Connie Wharton always knew she wanted to be a nurse but specializing in fertility wasn’t initially part of her plan. While serving as a corpsman in the United States Navy, Connie worked at a fertility...