Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Blog Posts

Navigating the Journey to Parenthood: Insights from Dr. Jerald Goldstein

Becoming a parent is a deeply personal and emotional journey, one that doesn’t always follow the path we expect. Dr. Jerald Goldstein, founder and medical director of Fertility Specialists of...
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Surro Sisters on a Sibling Journey

There is an old African proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child”. Some must take less traditional paths to building their family and realize that sometimes it takes a...

Meet Maggie & Yancey, can you be their solution?

Maggie and Yancey have been married for 4 years, but they have known each other much longer. They met their freshman year of college in South Carolina and ran in the same circles by their sophomore...

Egg Donors: What to Expect During Your Genetic Screening

A consultation with a genetic counselor is an important part of the screening process to receive medical clearance for egg donation. During your appointment, the genetic counselor will review your...

Genetic Carrier Screening for Egg Donors: What Intended Parents Need to Know

Genetic carrier screening – or genetic testing – is performed by a blood or saliva test to determine if a person is a “carrier” for specific gene mutations that could result in a serious health...

Tips for a Healthy Egg Donation Cycle in 2023

Are you new to our program and hoping to do your first egg donation cycle in 2023? Or perhaps you’re a veteran donor ready to help create another wonderful family this year. Either way, our team is...

Tips for a Healthy Surrogate Pregnancy in 2023

Happy New Year to our surrogate community! We are so grateful for you and your role in helping to create happy families. As a gestational carrier, the main goal is to deliver a healthy baby and hand...

Intended Parents Share Updates on Their Families

Throughout the past year, we’ve had an opportunity to share some remarkable stories about how families are created through surrogacy. And it wouldn’t be possible without you – the incredible women who...

Meet Julie and Kenny, can you be their solution?

Julie and Kenny met at the age of 20 in the summer of 2004. Julie was touring a college in Illinois, and Kenny was the student who greeted her at the admissions building on her first visit to campus...

10 Traditions for Your New Family

We are incredibly happy for our intended parents at Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions who welcomed their long-awaited little ones this year! This holiday season and the new year are a wonderful time...
Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide

Navigating how surrogate compensation works and the next steps in the process can be overwhelming. Get our free Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide so you understand it all. Earn $50,000+ for your family while helping Create A Happy Family!
