Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

Be a Surrogate

Become a surrogate and help create a happy family

Be the solution.

Create a happy family.

Benefit financially.

What is surrogacy?

Surrogacy is the act of carrying a baby (not genetically related to you) for someone else. During the surrogacy process, not only are you giving the couple or individual you are carrying for an amazing gift, you are creating moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and extended family. You are changing lives and making dreams come true for so many!

Throughout the surrogacy process, you will be supported by our team of professionals (all of whom have been surrogates themselves), and they will guide you through your pregnancy to delivery. You may start your journey wanting to give to another family, but you will be changed in the process. You will experience overwhelming joy and satisfaction, knowing you were able to make such an impact…and without you, they would not have created their happy family!

Will you qualify to be a surrogate?

5 reasons to become a surrogate with Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions

You love to give


You could be the solution for a family that needs a surrogate to help them become parents or grow their family. Gestational Carriers change lives, make dreams come true & continue to be a part of someones story.


None of this would be possible without your incredible gift!

You choose who you carry for


With Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions, YOU get to select who you carry for.


You will request your “ideal match” & our team will share the profiles we have that meet your requirements. You will get to virtually meet & select “the one’s”.

You desire empathy & support


At Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions, you will be cared for & supported by an agency of former surrogates. We did it, you can too! To date we have personally carried for 24 families.


You will be given your own personal care coordinator from beginning to end (including postpartum). Our level of empathy, support, and advocacy goes above & beyond. We will be by your side every step of the way.

You qualify


See if you meet the qualifications set forth by medical professionals here.

Benefit Financially



As a surrogate, you are compensated for your time, commitment, &dedication to helping to create a happy family. While doing so, you family will also benefit financially!

Gestational Carriers are compensated *$50,000+

*$50,000 is an average base compensation with additional compensation paid on top of base for bonuses & reimbursement for additional expenses.

How do I move forward to become a surrogate?

Step 1: Complete an application
This is simple and easy. Share about your pregnancies, family, and expectations for a journey.
Apply here
Step 2: Interview with a member of our team
We will then request your medical records and complete a background check.
Step 3: View the profiles of families you could help
A member of our matching team will send you profiles of families who match what you are looking for in a journey. Some considerations will be location, views on birth experience, contact throughout the journey and after, termination, and additional expectations you may have.
Step 4: Participate in a match meeting
Get to know the family (face to face) you are going to be helping. Share your hopes and expectations and start forming the rewarding relationship that surrogacy cultivates.
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What does compensation look like?

All fees are typical recommendations. All details are discusses & finalized in the application process. *Qualifying maternity health insurance without a surrogacy exclusion.

  • Base $50,000; First time carrier 
  • Base $55,000; Repeat carrier
Base Compensation
  • $500-$1,000; Invasive procedure
  • $500-$1,000; Maternity clothing allowance
  • $5,000+; Multiples fee
  • $3,000+; C-Section
  • $150-$250; Breast milk weekly
Additional Compensation
  • $200; Monthly allowance
  • Meal allowance, mileage, and childcare if traveling
  • Housekeeping and childcare expenses, if on bedrest
Monthly Allowance & Extras
  • Health Insurance provided if not existing
  • Life Insurance provided
  • Surrogate; Clinic screening, IVF transfer, RE appointments, bed rest (if applicable), and post-delivery recovery
  • Spouse; Screening, IVF transfer and delivery
Lost Wages


No. Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions has always matched like-minded surrogates with like-minded Intended Parents. If we have Intended Parents that do not want or mind if you do not want the COVID-19 vaccine and they are working with a clinic that does not require that surrogates have the COVID-19 vaccine, then you can be matched without receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. However, recent studies have shown there is a much higher risk of complications and possibly death from COVID-19 in pregnant women and for this reason ACOG, ASRM, and the CDC have changed their position to strongly recommending the COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant women. Most clinics are requiring it for surrogates for the above reasons as well.

A gestational carrier would not be “giving the baby up”. She’d be giving the baby back to the parents that had chosen her to carry for them! There is no genetic connection between a gestational carrier and the surrogate baby/ies she carries. Sometimes people aren’t aware of this fact, but it definitely helps the carrier and her family to mentally prepare before and during the pregnancy. The carrier is preparing to hand the parents their baby back, and she fully understands that the baby was never hers to begin with.

Most surrogates are matched with Intended Parents of their choice within a week of being cleared since we have so many Intended Parents already waiting. It may take several weeks to complete the clearance process because we need to obtain all of your prenatal and delivery records, a recent pap smear, and a clearance letter from your OBGYN. You will then meet with the matching team to discuss your preferences and you will be able to view compatible Intended Parent profiles for you to choose from.

The medications to become pregnant as a gestational carrier can vary depending on the clinic’s protocol. Some clinics require patients to give themselves injectable medications while others may not require any injectables at all. It is always best to prepare yourself for the possibility of having to administer shots at home, but this is something you may or may not have to do.

You do not get a paycheck since surrogacy is not a job, but you are compensated for the time and effort during the process. The compensation amount can vary from contract to contract. This is a private agreement between the Intended Parents and their carrier. The agreed-upon compensation is not guaranteed since the achievement of pregnancy is never guaranteed, but once you are pregnant, monthly installments are paid over the course of the pregnancy. There could be many factors such as unsuccessful embryo transfers or miscarriage that could cause compensation to never start or even halt.

Base Compensation starts at $50,000 for a first-time carrier. With Egg Donor & Surrogate Solutions you can set your compensation so click here to schedule a quick time with your team so we can explore this together.

Yes! Once you have selected your Intended parents and they have agreed to a match meeting, a member of our matching team will schedule and facilitate a video call for everyone to get to know each other.  Once everyone agrees to the match, you will be able to meet in person. If you are local this could be as soon as the next weekend. If you are not local, you will likely meet when you travel to their clinic for the medical screening appointment. In the beginning, you may feel like acquaintances that met through an agency, but by the end of the pregnancy, you will likely know each other very well. There are some Intended Parents that find it very hard to develop a personal relationship with their carrier due to previous heartaches and losses. Each match is unique in this respect. The level of involvement that each party wants is part of what makes a compatible match and is covered in the matching process when choosing Intended Parents and will also be discussed in the match meeting.

You are allowed to eat and participate in normal low-risk activities as you usually would during any normal, healthy pregnancy per your OBs guidelines. Unless there is a specific agreement between the carrier and her Intended Parents to avoid certain items, she may carry on per her doctor’s recommendations. Obviously, the usual substances like nicotine, alcohol, and drugs are NEVER allowed. There could be specific food requests based on religion or lifestyle preferences that Intended Parents may request of their surrogate prior to matching. These specifics are usually brought up on applications and during the match meeting so there are no surprises later. If either party were to not feel sure about the requests, it would need to be discussed before a definite match was determined.

For the most part, the surrogate has a very large say in the pregnancy. The Surrogate and Intended Parents should be in agreement with each other over factors like home birth vs hospital, vaccinations during the pregnancy vs no vaccinations, and having optional testing done throughout the pregnancy. Both parties should always go into surrogacy with a great deal of trust and respect for one another. Everyone should always strive to make major decisions together.

You will get to pick your own OB for prenatal care and delivery as long as they are a qualified medical provider. You do have to go to the IP’s IVF doctor until you are released to your OB for care, which is usually around 10 weeks of pregnancy. If their doctor is not local, you will only have to travel to them twice, for the medical screening and again for the embryo transfer, but you will be able to do monitoring appointments at a clinic local to you.

It depends on which Intended Parents you choose. If you match with a local couple, you won’t need to travel. If they are not local, you will need to travel to wherever their IVF clinic is 2-3 times. This depends on what each clinic requires of their patients. Usually, the first trip is for medical screening and the second one for embryo transfer. There could be an additional trip for a mock transfer or ERA, but this is not routine for all clinics. Long-distance travel is kept to a minimum whenever possible, and all costs are paid by the Intended Parents.

Absolutely! It is not a requirement to be married in order to become a gestational carrier. There are numerous single mothers that pursue surrogacy without a spouse or significant other. If you have a good support system in place, you can be a surrogate!

Your significant other needs to be on board and supportive of you pursuing this journey. They will be required to participate in the match meeting with Intended Parents and show their support. During the screening process, clinics require the surrogate’s partner to undergo a blood test to ensure they are STD free, and they will participate in the psychological evaluation. During the legal contracts, if you are a married couple, both parties must sign the contract. Your significant other is usually the biggest part of your support system during pregnancy. Their involvement in the process is small overall, but very key to a healthy and happy journey.

The best advice we can give is to keep it sweet and simple. Children tend to understand better when you put it into terms they understand. There are several children’s books to explain that this is a way to help a Mommy or Daddy that cannot have a baby on their own. Children of surrogates have the perfect life example of what it’s like to do something selfless for someone else. It’s a great teaching opportunity if you choose to do so. How much you want to explain to your children is your personal choice, but sometimes your children can be your biggest cheerleaders!

You have a team designed to help YOU!  As an agency, we are here to support, advocate, and educate you on the process of being a surrogate. We are here to ensure all your questions are asked, you are cared for, to advocate/mediate if needed, just to be an extra person to help you navigate this exciting experience. ALL of our team members have been surrogates themselves so we understand your feelings and are committed to supporting you.

1. There are a few clinics that will still agree to transfer 2 embryos and there are the occasional Intended Parents that will request their surrogate transfer 2 embryos. If you are only comfortable with carrying one baby, it is wise to only transfer one embryo. Occasionally an embryo can split resulting in twins, but that cannot be predicted. Being sure of how many babies you are willing to carry can greatly minimize the need for fetal reduction or termination that sometimes can occur with multiples pregnancies.

This question is a challenging question to answer. A surrogate is usually allowed to walk away from a match at any point in the process as long there is no viable pregnancy. The decision to break a match should never be made lightly, same as the decision to make a match. Worst case scenario, if the surrogate is already pregnant and feels the match is irreparable, she cannot break the match but can resort to using the agency coordinator (or another mediator such as her attorney or similar entity) to communicate for the remainder of the pregnancy.

Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide

Navigating how surrogate compensation works and the next steps in the process can be overwhelming. Get our free Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide so you understand it all. Earn $50,000+ for your family while helping Create A Happy Family!

Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide

Navigating how surrogate compensation works and the next steps in the process can be overwhelming. Get our free Surrogacy Journey & Compensation Guide so you understand it all. Earn $50,000+ for your family while helping Create A Happy Family!
